How Would You Grade The Xbox Games Showcase 2024?

How Would You Grade The Xbox Games Showcase 2024?

I gave it an A. Sure, not everything looked like something I want to play personally (in fact, probably less than half the games appealed to me). Heck, I can’t stand CoD or Gears, for instance, but the flow of the showcase was so solid throughout. It felt like an important showcase. It felt like Xbox was bringing a lot of effort to the showcase. There was a lot for all the different sides of the fanbase.

Now, that said, man, where the heck is Silksong? I hope Nintendo’s shadow dropping it for the Direct. Also, not sure how Avowed and Indy don’t have release dates. Avowed looks less and less interesting to me every time, but I’m still going to try it. Indy looks like Xbox’s return to form. 2025 is going to be the return year for Xbox for sure. Fable, Doom, and South of Midnight… what a line-up! That’s the Xbox I want! It’s like they are making a year that’s specifically catered to me, which is at odds with how I’ve felt about the industry lately, so I love that.

Life is Strange 1 getting a direct sequel (and soon too!) was probably the highlight for me. I was really hoping Lost Records would’ve been featured in one of the showcases this week, and was sad it wasn’t, but this absolutely makes up for it.

I do wish we would’ve gotten something about OD, but i suppose Death Stranding 2 is coming first, so I get it… I was just hoping for a Kojima double feature next year.

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#Grade #Xbox #Games #Showcase


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