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Share of Daily Internet Users in Hungary Reaches 88%

MTI – Econews

Wednesday, Jul 3, 2024, 16:00

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The share of Hungarians who use the internet every day reached 88% in 2023, a survey of digital society by the Central Statistical Office (KSH) shows.

The rate has climbed an annual 3 percentage points, on average, every year since 2015, KSH said.

Among young Hungarians, between 16 and 24, the rate was 99%, and stood at 60% for people aged 65-74.

In a regional comparison, the rate reached 95% for residents of the capital and was lowest, at 83pc, in the underdeveloped northeast of the country. 

The share of daily internet users in Hungary was 2.4 percentage points over the European Union average.


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#Share #Daily #Internet #Users #Hungary #Reaches


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