‘Destiny 2’ Is Changing Exotic Class Item Farming In A New Patch

‘Destiny 2’ Is Changing Exotic Class Item Farming In A New Patch

In this week’s TWAB, Bungie announced that it will be responding to Destiny 2 fan complaints about how hard it is to farm exotic class items, the perk-pairing armor that partners with Strand for new and interesting builds. But the sheer amount of combinations to find makes farming them a thousand times harder than any other exotic in Destiny 2.

Now, Bungie making changes. But I would argue they are not going to go nearly far enough.

  • There will be a new bounty for Dual Destiny that will reward one additional class item per week, per character.
  • The Overthrow event in the Pale Heart is having its drop rates increased. More playtime will increase chances in what seems to be a form of bad luck protection, which already exists to some extent now.
  • Destination chest farming is having its drop rates decreased which they say is to encourage Overthrow play, but is obviously also to discourage macro farming as players were just sitting there constantly opening chests through use of that tool. And even then it was still bafflingly hard to get the roll you wanted.

This all seems…lacking, on its face. It’s not live yet but a single additional class item on a character a week from doing something in Dual Destiny seems almost laughable. Everyone wanted straight up double drops in that dungeon, given that it was possible to glitch that before it was patched out.

The chest nerf is to avoid macros, but it also nerfs the normal “chest farm” loop that was being done legitimately. Boring as it was, it produced at least some results.

I very much doubt that Overthrow is going to be buffed to the point where it dramatically overtakes farming in Dual Destiny itself, which means that it’s likely still not going to provide enough drops to make farming feel good.

Again, I think Bungie is underestimating just how many combinations there are here and the sheer amount of insane luck you need to get to land just a single copy of one of these with the perks you want. No other exotics are anywhere close to this, and while sure, maybe the exotic class farm should be a little more involved that Lost Sector farms or Rahool ranking, it’s like 5,000% harder, which seems way too extreme.

Bungie says this is a “first step” but this has been a problem since Dual Destiny launched two months ago, and now it may take more months for more changes. Bungie says they know people also want the ability to get these drops outside of the Pale Heart so they’ll look at that.

This is just one of the worst farms I’ve seen in the game in a very long time. Bungie is being way too stingy here and we need far more drastic improvements than what they’re seeing here. There’s plenty else to farm in this game where we do not need to spend 20-50 hours farming a single roll of this thing.

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#âDestiny #2â #Changing #Exotic #Class #Item #Farming #Patch


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