Little boy wanted to see pic of momos on woman phone Her response divides Internet

Little boy wanted to see pic of momos on woman phone Her response divides Internet

A woman’s response to a little boy after he asked her if he could see a picture on her phone has divided the internet. It all began after an X user, Keerti, shared a picture of a steaming hot plate of momos with soup and chutney. In a separate post, she recounted the interaction that she had with the little boy.

“As I clicked this pic, a kid, 2-3 years old, came over, pointed at my phone and said ‘dikhao’ (show me),” the caption of the post reads.

Keerti further said that she smiled at the child but declined his request, advising that one should not look at other people’s phones. The child began to cry immediately.

The situation escalated when the child’s parents intervened, asking Keerti to show the picture to the child so that he would stop crying. Keerti’s response, however, was rather unusual because you just wouldn’t see it coming.

“When the parents told me to show this picture to the kid else he would keep on crying, that’s when I even started crying!! Imitating the kid, but slightly louder. Parents shocked, kid double shocked,” Keerti said in her post.

She added that the boy returned to his seat quietly and didn’t bother her again, though he occasionally glanced at her.

Take a look at the post here:

The now-viral post has undoubtedly triggered a discussion in the comments section. The internet, in fact, is divided with some praising her response as “the right thing” while others criticised her behaviour, calling it a “petty thing”.

Some users emphasised that she was “right to maintain her boundaries”, whereas, others viewed her behaviour as “inappropriate”.

“If children are not taught boundaries by their parents, they’ll grow up indisciplined and uncouth,” a user said.

“That was the most perfect response from your end. How ridiculously silly of parents to even ask you to show the pic. Hope both had a good lesson to learn,” another added.

A user, on the other hand, asked her, “But why to be so petty”, adding “It’s just a child, just show the picture. I don’t think this was a situation to teach the child a lesson. Just rude and weird of you.”

“I would have taken pity on the poor kid and shown the picture, but yes, it’s always best to teach kids early about boundaries, whether it’s them or the other party. They both need to be respected,” another user added.

The incident has sparked a broader conversation about parenting and boundaries, highlighting differing perspectives on how to handle such situations in public.

Published By:

Akshita Singh

Published On:

Jul 30, 2024

#boy #wanted #pic #momos #woman #phone #response #divides #Internet,
#boy #wanted #pic #momos #woman #phone #response #divides #Internet


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