Thang Raj app downloads surge after digital wallet details announced

Thang Raj app downloads surge after digital wallet details announced

Thang Raj app downloads surge after digital wallet details announced

Since the announcement, downloads, installations and registrations for the Thang Raj app have surged to between 800,000 and 900,000 times daily compared to 50,000-60,000 times per day before July 24.

Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin has been informed of this increased usage of the Thang Raj app, Chai said.

For more information, the public can contact the Digital Wallet hotline at 1111 round the clock.


#Thang #Raj #app #downloads #surge #digital #wallet #details #announced,
#Thang #Raj #app #downloads #surge #digital #wallet #details #announced


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