These Internet Providers Will Discount Your NBN Bill When You Bundle in an Energy Plan

CloudFlare says that up to a third of all internet traffic it observes is automated

Will you get Copilot+ with there being no Recall for the immediate future?

A lot of backlash has happened over Microsoft’s controversial Recall feature. Many say it’s a blatant challenge of personal privacy and security. In response to this massive outcry, they’ve decided to go back it, and Copilot+ will launch without it. Does this make you more interested in using Copilot or less?> Do you have any intention of using Recall?

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What’s your wishlist for Windows 12?

Next year, Windows will have been around for 40 years. It’s quite an achievement to be such a large market share OS for so long. Having said that, one has to wonder where it goes from here. The various versions of Windows have had a diverse reaction, and it seems it’s more divisive as time goes on. Everyone has their favorite, and everyone has things they like and don’t like. Some issues are much more important for hardcore fans, and it seems the update feedback loop can take quite some time. With Windows 11, Microsoft has come across their most divisive version of their OS. What are you hoping they fix, or if you like 11, add onto? What are your biggest wish list items?

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How often do you upgrade your GPU?

The visual and processing power required from games is rising tenfold every year it seems. Games like Star Citizen, ARK; Survival Evolved, and Cyberpunk 2077 have shown how quick software can demand more of hardware. How often do you upgrade and do you think you” start upgrading more as the software becomes more demanding? Do you always aim for the maximum settings or prefer to be in the middle?

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What game can you not stop playing?

I feel like everyone has had that game. The one they cannot stop playing no matter what time it is, what time work is in the morning, or what plans they made with people. As casual gaming has become even more engrained into society, with addicting hits like Minecraft and Fortnite dominating, it feels like it’s becoming more and more common for everyone to have THAT game. For me, I can’t stop playing Overwatch 2. It’s absurd, I know. The game has been plagued by terrible balancing, poor community feedback reception, and toxic competitive lobbies. The single player was canceled, and Blizzard doesn’t seem like they’re lowering the prices of cosmetics anytime soon. Despite that, I can’t help but love the kinetic energy of playing with a group and trying to climb to the next rank. It has just enough strategic play to keep me invested in getting better, but still with the focus on player encouragement. What is it for you? What are you currently playing non-stop and what has had you in its gr

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Which Windows version was your favorite?

Windows has had many iterations over the years, and which one is the best seems to be a very debated topic. With Windows 11, now more than ever, it feels like people are nostalgic about the past or looking to the future. Everybody has their favorite for different reasons, and many have their least favorite for similar reasons. Which version of Windows has remained your favorite and why?

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Have you started using AI?

It seems like AI is being talked about every day, all day. It’s in headlines for concerns of security, offense of artistic theft, and questions of morality. My question is about its usefulness. Of course it’s useful in an industrial sense, for car production and things of that nature. I’m talking about Ai software which, despite having been in college during its rise to the mainstream, it wasn’t much help. A lot of the chat models still have too many errors or can’t give straight answers about complicated topics without sounding strange. The automation seems to always have some sort of bug or error that takes way too long to fix or narrow down. Implemented art programs like Adobe Firefly still can’t be as specific as you’d like or will make comical errors regarding accuracy. I still haven’t found much of a use for it. Have you found use for it? Do you use it at all in day to day life/work?

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