How Mind-Controlled Bionic Arms Fuse To The Body

[Narrator] You’re looking at a game changerin prosthetics.[Dr. Catalan] The only one todayusing electrodes implanted in the nerveand to have sensation.[Narrator] The developer of this bionic systemis speaking to us from Ukraine,where war has led to a crisis.There is more than 15,000 people with amputationsin the country.[Narrator] Let’s walk through every step neededto implant his

Utah Bionic Leg on TIME’s list of the best inventions of 2023 – @theU

TIME’s annual list of the best inventions features 200 extraordinary innovations with the capacity to change people’s lives. To compile the list, TIME’s editors solicit nominations and accept applications describing groundbreaking work in key fields —such as AI, green energy, and sustainability — evaluating each contender on a number factors, including originality, efficacy, ambition, and impact. This