Trolls Chase Joy-filled ‘Mychal The Librarian’ to Resign. Then the Internet Does Something Beautiful

Every time you think the knuckleheads in this country have sunk as low as they can sink, they find a new sub-basement. Late last week Mychal Threets, Fairfield (California) Civic Center Library’s joyful supervising librarian, announced, via his IG and TikTok accounts, his resignation, effective March 1, to prioritize his mental health. Vogue Icon, Beverly

An internet troll’s guide to ‘OPSEC’

Sgt. Ian Rivera-Aponte, a U.S. Army Reserve sniper, poses for a promotional photo shoot for Army Reserve recruiting. (Master Sgt. Michel Sauret/Army Reserve)(Disclaimer: The satirical story has been created purely for humor and entertainment purposes.)Operational security is paramount to the success of any military endeavor. As we’ve entered the era of the internet, however, loose

An internet troll’s guide to ‘OPSEC’

Sgt. Ian Rivera-Aponte, a U.S. Army Reserve sniper, poses for a promotional photo shoot for Army Reserve recruiting. (Master Sgt. Michel Sauret/Army Reserve)(Disclaimer: The satirical story has been created purely for humor and entertainment purposes.)Operational security is paramount to the success of any military endeavor. As we’ve entered the era of the internet, however, loose